Tuesday, January 11, 2022


  • synergy - The promotion of linked products across different areas of media. For Example The Lego Movie uses synergy through linked products like - the superhero cast from DC comics, minifigures
  • tent-pole production - A film that can make large profits to support funding of other projects
  • ensemble cast - A cast made up of multiple important characters
  • conglomerate -  A company that owns multiple companies involved in mass media enterprises
  • vertical integration - When a single, or merged, company controls both the production and supply of a product
  • Franchise - A collection of media products all based on one original work. For Instance Star Wars

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Music Magazines

  Look carefully at the front covers of   MOJO  and   RNR   magazines.  QUESTION: How far do  MOJO  and  RNR  use  different  media language...